Friday, December 21, 2007

Corvette ZR1 - Something good comes out of america?

The title yes does sound a bit anti-america. But I am not anti america - they did probably help in developing the internet age and they are in essence still young in terms of history - but this car actually looks good? I was driving behind a corvette in the UK last week but it was a much older model so I payed it little attention. This one however looks pretty damn good. I don't like the central buldge which looks new style celica like (bad for a higher end car) but the lights look supra like which is ok. Still cant work out what that weird central bit on the bonnet is though????

  • Engine: LS9 90ยบ V 8
  • Roots-Type Supercharger
  • Power: 620 bhp / 463 KW
  • Torque: 807 Nm / 595 ft lbs
  • BHP per litre: 101 BHP/litre
  • Rear wheel drive

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